OSGi Compendium

OSGi Working Group

Release 8.1

December 2022

Table of Contents

Eclipse Foundation Specification License – v1.0
Implementation Requirements
1 Introduction
1.1 Reader Level
1.2 Version Information
1.3 References
1.4 Changes
100 Remote Services
100.1 The Fallacies
100.2 Remote Service Properties
100.3 Intents
100.4 General Usage
100.5 Configuration Types
100.6 Security
100.7 References
103 Device Access Specification
103.1 Introduction
103.2 Device Services
103.3 Device Category Specifications
103.4 Driver Services
103.5 Driver Locator Service
103.6 The Driver Selector Service
103.7 Device Manager
103.8 Security
103.9 org.osgi.service.device
103.10 References
104 Configuration Admin Service Specification
104.1 Introduction
104.2 Configuration Targets
104.3 The Persistent Identity
104.4 The Configuration Object
104.5 Managed Service
104.6 Managed Service Factory
104.7 Configuration Admin Service
104.8 Configuration Events
104.9 Configuration Plugin
104.10 Meta Typing
104.11 Coordinator Support
104.12 Capabilities
104.13 Security
104.14 org.osgi.service.cm
104.15 org.osgi.service.cm.annotations
105 Metatype Service Specification
105.1 Introduction
105.2 Attributes Model
105.3 Object Class Definition
105.4 Attribute Definition
105.5 Meta Type Service
105.6 Meta Type Provider Service
105.7 Using the Meta Type Resources
105.8 Meta Type Resource XML Schema
105.9 Meta Type Annotations
105.10 Limitations
105.11 Related Standards
105.12 Capabilities
105.13 Security Considerations
105.14 org.osgi.service.metatype
105.15 org.osgi.service.metatype.annotations
105.16 References
106 PreferencesService Specification
106.1 Introduction
106.2 Preferences Interface
106.3 Concurrency
106.4 PreferencesService Interface
106.5 Cleanup
106.6 org.osgi.service.prefs
106.7 References
107 User Admin Service Specification
107.1 Introduction
107.2 Authentication
107.3 Authorization
107.4 Repository Maintenance
107.5 User Admin Events
107.6 Security
107.7 Relation to JAAS
107.8 org.osgi.service.useradmin
107.9 References
108 Wire Admin Service Specification
108.1 Introduction
108.2 Producer Service
108.3 Consumer Service
108.4 Implementation issues
108.5 Wire Properties
108.6 Composite objects
108.7 Wire Flow Control
108.8 Flavors
108.9 Converters
108.10 Wire Admin Service Implementation
108.11 Wire Admin Listener Service Events
108.12 Connecting External Entities
108.13 Related Standards
108.14 Security
108.15 org.osgi.service.wireadmin
108.16 References
111 Device Service Specification for UPnP™ Technology
111.1 Introduction
111.2 UPnP Specifications
111.3 UPnP Device
111.4 Device Category
111.5 UPnPService
111.6 Working With a UPnP Device
111.7 Implementing a UPnP Device
111.8 Event API
111.9 UPnP Events and Event Admin service
111.10 Localization
111.11 Dates and Times
111.12 UPnP Exception
111.13 Configuration
111.14 Networking considerations
111.15 Security
111.16 org.osgi.service.upnp
111.17 References
112 Declarative Services Specification
112.1 Introduction
112.2 Components
112.3 References to Services
112.4 Component Description
112.5 Component Life Cycle
112.6 Component Properties
112.7 Deployment
112.8 Annotations
112.9 Service Component Runtime
112.10 Security
112.11 Component Description Schema
112.12 org.osgi.service.component
112.13 org.osgi.service.component.annotations
112.14 org.osgi.service.component.runtime
112.15 org.osgi.service.component.runtime.dto
112.16 org.osgi.service.component.propertytypes
112.17 References
113 Event Admin Service Specification
113.1 Introduction
113.2 Event Admin Architecture
113.3 The Event
113.4 Event Handler
113.5 Event Publisher
113.6 Specific Events
113.7 Event Admin Service
113.8 Reliability
113.9 Interoperability with Native Applications
113.10 Capabilities
113.11 Security
113.12 org.osgi.service.event
113.13 org.osgi.service.event.annotations
113.14 org.osgi.service.event.propertytypes
117 Dmt Admin Service Specification
117.1 Introduction
117.2 The Device Management Model
117.3 The DMT Admin Service
117.4 Manipulating the DMT
117.5 Meta Data
117.6 Plugins
117.7 Sharing the DMT
117.8 Access Control Lists
117.9 Notifications
117.10 Exceptions
117.11 Events
117.12 OSGi Object Modeling
117.13 Security
117.14 org.osgi.service.dmt
117.15 org.osgi.service.dmt.spi
117.16 org.osgi.service.dmt.notification
117.17 org.osgi.service.dmt.notification.spi
117.18 org.osgi.service.dmt.security
117.19 References
122 Remote Service Admin Service Specification
122.1 Introduction
122.2 Actors
122.3 Topology Managers
122.4 Endpoint Description
122.5 Remote Service Admin
122.6 Discovery
122.7 Events
122.8 Endpoint Description Extender Format
122.9 Capability Namespaces
122.10 Advice to implementations
122.11 Security
122.12 org.osgi.service.remoteserviceadmin
122.13 org.osgi.service.remoteserviceadmin.namespace
122.14 References
123 JTA Transaction Services Specification
123.1 Introduction
123.2 JTA Overview
123.3 Application
123.4 Resource Managers
123.5 The JTA Provider
123.6 Life Cycle
123.7 Security
123.8 References
125 Data Service Specification for JDBC™ Technology
125.1 Introduction
125.2 Database Driver
125.3 Applications
125.4 Security
125.5 org.osgi.service.jdbc
125.6 References
125.7 Changes
126 JNDI Services Specification
126.1 Introduction
126.2 JNDI Overview
126.3 JNDI Context Manager Service
126.4 JNDI Provider Admin service
126.5 JNDI Providers
126.6 OSGi URL Scheme
126.7 Traditional Client Model
126.8 Security
126.9 org.osgi.service.jndi
126.10 References
127 JPA Service Specification
127.1 Introduction
127.2 JPA Overview
127.3 Bundles with Persistence
127.4 Extending a Persistence Bundle
127.5 JPA Provider
127.6 Static Access
127.7 Capabilities
127.8 Security
127.9 org.osgi.service.jpa
127.10 org.osgi.service.jpa.annotations
127.11 References
128 Web Applications Specification
128.1 Introduction
128.2 Web Container
128.3 Web Application Bundle
128.4 Web URL Handler
128.5 Events
128.6 Interacting with the OSGi Environment
128.7 Security
128.8 References
130 Coordinator Service Specification
130.1 Introduction
130.2 Usage
130.3 Coordinator Service
130.4 Security
130.5 org.osgi.service.coordinator
131 TR069 Connector Service Specification
131.1 Introduction
131.2 TR-069 Protocol Primer
131.3 TR069 Connector
131.4 RPCs
131.5 Error and Fault Codes
131.6 Managing the RMT
131.7 Native TR-069 Object Models
131.8 org.osgi.service.tr069todmt
131.9 References
132 Repository Service Specification
132.1 Introduction
132.2 Using a Repository
132.3 Repository
132.4 osgi.content Namespace
132.5 XML Repository Format
132.6 XML Repository Schema
132.7 Capabilities
132.8 Security
132.9 org.osgi.service.repository
132.10 References
133 Service Loader Mediator Specification
133.1 Introduction
133.2 Java Service Loader API
133.3 Consumers
133.4 Service Provider Bundles
133.5 Service Loader Mediator
133.6 osgi.serviceloader Namespace
133.7 Use of the osgi.extender Namespace
133.8 Security
133.9 org.osgi.service.serviceloader
133.10 References
135 Common Namespaces Specification
135.1 Introduction
135.2 osgi.extender Namespace
135.3 osgi.contract Namespace
135.4 osgi.service Namespace
135.5 osgi.implementation Namespace
135.6 osgi.unresolvable Namespace
135.7 org.osgi.namespace.contract
135.8 org.osgi.namespace.extender
135.9 org.osgi.namespace.service
135.10 org.osgi.namespace.implementation
135.11 org.osgi.namespace.unresolvable
135.12 References
137 REST Management Service Specification
137.1 Introduction
137.2 Interacting with the REST Management Service
137.3 Resources
137.4 Representations
137.5 Clients
137.6 Extending the REST Management Service
137.7 XML Schema
137.8 Capabilities
137.9 Security
137.10 org.osgi.service.rest
137.11 org.osgi.service.rest.client
137.12 JavaScript Client API
137.13 References
138 Asynchronous Service Specification
138.1 Introduction
138.2 Usage
138.3 Async Service
138.4 The Async Mediator
138.5 Fire and Forget Invocations
138.6 Delegating to Asynchronous Implementations
138.7 Capabilities
138.8 Security
138.9 org.osgi.service.async
138.10 org.osgi.service.async.delegate
139 Device Service Specification for EnOcean™ Technology
139.1 Introduction
139.2 Essentials
139.3 Entities
139.4 Operation Summary
139.5 EnOcean Base Driver
139.6 EnOcean Host
139.7 EnOcean Device
139.8 EnOcean Messages
139.9 EnOcean Message Description
139.10 EnOcean Channel
139.11 EnOcean Channel Description
139.12 EnOcean Remote Management
139.13 Working With an EnOcean Device
139.14 Event API
139.15 EnOcean Exceptions
139.16 Security
139.17 org.osgi.service.enocean
139.18 org.osgi.service.enocean.descriptions
139.19 References
140 Jakarta Servlet Whiteboard
140.1 Introduction
140.2 The Servlet Context
140.3 Common Whiteboard Properties
140.4 Registering Servlets
140.5 Registering Servlet Filters
140.6 Registering Resources
140.7 Registering Listeners
140.8 Life Cycle
140.9 The Http Service Runtime Service
140.10 Configuration Properties
140.11 Capabilities
140.12 Security
140.13 org.osgi.service.servlet.context
140.14 org.osgi.service.servlet.runtime
140.15 org.osgi.service.servlet.runtime.dto
140.16 org.osgi.service.servlet.whiteboard
140.17 org.osgi.service.servlet.whiteboard.annotations
140.18 org.osgi.service.servlet.whiteboard.propertytypes
140.19 References
140.20 Changes
141 Device Abstraction Layer Specification
141.1 Introduction
141.2 Device Category
141.3 Device Service
141.4 Function Service
141.5 Security
141.6 org.osgi.service.dal
141.7 References
142 Device Abstraction Layer Functions Specification
142.1 Introduction
142.2 Functions
142.3 Functions Data
142.4 org.osgi.service.dal.functions
142.5 org.osgi.service.dal.functions.data
143 Network Interface Information Service Specification
143.1 Introduction
143.2 NetworkAdapter Service
143.3 NetworkAddress Service
143.4 A Controller Example
143.5 Security
143.6 org.osgi.service.networkadapter
143.7 References
144 Resource Monitoring Specification
144.1 Introduction
144.2 Essentials
144.3 Entities
144.4 Operation Summary
144.5 Resource Context
144.6 System Resource Context
144.7 Framework Resource Context
144.8 Resource Monitor
144.9 Resource Monitor Factory
144.10 CPU Monitor
144.11 Memory Monitor
144.12 Socket Monitor
144.13 Disk Storage Monitor
144.14 Thread Monitor
144.15 Resource Listener
144.16 Resource Event
144.17 Resource Context Listener
144.18 Resource Context Event
144.19 Resource Monitoring Service
144.20 Resource Monitoring Client
144.21 Security
144.22 org.osgi.service.resourcemonitoring
144.23 org.osgi.service.resourcemonitoring.monitor
144.24 References
145 USB Information Device Category Specification
145.1 Introduction
145.2 USBInfoDevice Service
145.3 Security
145.4 org.osgi.service.usbinfo
145.5 References
146 Serial Device Service Specification
146.1 Introduction
146.2 SerialDevice Service
146.3 SerialEventListener Service
146.4 USB Serial Example
146.5 Security
146.6 org.osgi.service.serial
147 Transaction Control Service Specification
147.1 Introduction
147.2 Usage
147.3 Transaction Control Service
147.4 The TransactionContext
147.5 Resource Providers
147.6 Transaction Recovery
147.7 Capabilities
147.8 Security
147.9 org.osgi.service.transaction.control
147.10 org.osgi.service.transaction.control.jdbc
147.11 org.osgi.service.transaction.control.jpa
147.12 org.osgi.service.transaction.control.recovery
148 Cluster Information Specification
148.1 Introduction
148.2 OSGi frameworks in a cluster
148.3 Node Status Service
148.4 Framework Node Status Service
148.5 Application-specific Node Status metadata
148.6 Security
148.7 org.osgi.service.clusterinfo
148.8 org.osgi.service.clusterinfo.dto
149 Device Service Specification for ZigBee™ Technology
149.1 Introduction
149.2 Essentials
149.3 Entities
149.4 Operation Summary
149.5 ZigBee Base Driver
149.6 ZigBee Node
149.7 ZigBee Endpoint
149.8 ZigBee Device Description
149.9 ZigBee Device Description Set
149.10 ZCL Cluster
149.11 ZCL Cluster Description
149.12 ZCL Global Cluster Description
149.13 ZigBee Command Description
149.14 ZigBee Attribute
149.15 ZigBee Attribute Description
149.16 ZCL Data Type Description
149.17 ZCL Simple Type Description
149.18 Promise and Response Stream objects
149.19 ZigBee Data Types
149.20 Implementing a ZigBee Endpoint
149.21 Event API
149.22 Monitoring Events and Sending Commands
149.23 ZCL Exception
149.24 ZDP Exception
149.25 APS Exception
149.26 ZigBee Exception
149.27 ZCL Frame
149.28 ZigBee Group
149.29 ZigBee Networking
149.30 Security
149.31 org.osgi.service.zigbee
149.32 org.osgi.service.zigbee.descriptions
149.33 org.osgi.service.zigbee.descriptors
149.34 org.osgi.service.zigbee.types
149.35 References
150 Configurator Specification
150.1 Introduction
150.2 Entities
150.3 Configuration Resources
150.4 Bundle Configuration Resources
150.5 Initial Configurations
150.6 Life Cycle
150.7 Grouping and Coordinations
150.8 Security
150.9 Capabilities
150.10 osgi.configuration Namespace
150.11 Configuration Resources in a Repository
150.12 org.osgi.service.configurator
150.13 org.osgi.service.configurator.annotations
150.14 org.osgi.service.configurator.namespace
150.15 References
151 Jakarta RESTful Web Services Whiteboard
151.1 Introduction
151.2 The Jakarta RESTful Web Services Whiteboard
151.3 Common Whiteboard Properties
151.4 Registering RESTful Resources
151.5 Registering Extensions
151.6 Registering RESTful Web Service Applications
151.7 Whiteboard Error Handling
151.8 The Jakarta RESTful Web Services Client API
151.9 Portability and Interoperability
151.10 Capabilities
151.11 Security
151.12 org.osgi.service.jakartars.client
151.13 org.osgi.service.jakartars.runtime
151.14 org.osgi.service.jakartars.runtime.dto
151.15 org.osgi.service.jakartars.whiteboard
151.16 org.osgi.service.jakartars.whiteboard.annotations
151.17 org.osgi.service.jakartars.whiteboard.propertytypes
151.18 References
151.19 Changes
152 CDI Integration Specification
152.1 Introduction
152.2 Components
152.3 Component Scope
152.4 Container Component
152.5 Standard Definitions
152.6 Single Component
152.7 Factory Component
152.8 Component Properties
152.9 Bean Property Types
152.10 Providing Services
152.11 Component Property Injection Points
152.12 Reference Injection Points
152.13 Interacting with Service Events
152.14 CDI Component Runtime
152.15 Capabilities
152.16 Relationship to CDI features
152.17 Security
152.18 org.osgi.service.cdi
152.19 org.osgi.service.cdi.annotations
152.20 org.osgi.service.cdi.propertytypes
152.21 org.osgi.service.cdi.reference
152.22 org.osgi.service.cdi.runtime
152.23 org.osgi.service.cdi.runtime.dto
152.24 org.osgi.service.cdi.runtime.dto.template
152.25 References
153 Service Layer API for oneM2M™
153.1 Introduction of oneM2M
153.2 Application Portability Problem of oneM2M
153.3 Introduction of Service Layer API for oneM2M
153.4 Essentials
153.5 Entities
153.6 oneM2M ServiceLayer
153.7 NotificationListener
153.8 DTO
153.9 Security
153.10 org.osgi.service.onem2m
153.11 org.osgi.service.onem2m.dto
153.12 References
154 Residential Device Management Tree Specification
154.1 Introduction
154.2 The Residential Management Tree
154.3 Managing Bundles
154.4 Filtering
154.5 Log Access
154.6 osgi.wiring.rmt.service Namespace
154.7 Tree Summary
154.8 org.osgi.dmt.residential
154.9 org.osgi.dmt.service.log
155 TR-157 Amendment 3 Software Module Guidelines
155.1 Management Agent
155.2 Parameter Mapping
155.3 References
157 Typed Event Service Specification
157.1 Introduction
157.2 Events
157.3 Publishing Events
157.4 Receiving Events
157.5 The Typed Event Bus Service
157.6 Monitoring Events
157.7 Capabilities
157.8 Security
157.9 org.osgi.service.typedevent
157.10 org.osgi.service.typedevent.annotations
157.11 org.osgi.service.typedevent.monitor
157.12 org.osgi.service.typedevent.propertytypes
157.13 References
157.14 Changes
158 Log Stream Provider Service Specification
158.1 Introduction
158.2 Log Stream Provider
158.3 Capabilities
158.4 Security
158.5 org.osgi.service.log.stream
158.6 References
159 Feature Service Specification
159.1 Introduction
159.2 Feature
159.4 Bundles
159.5 Configurations
159.6 Variables
159.7 Extensions
159.8 Framework Launching Properties
159.9 Resource Versioning
159.10 Capabilities
159.11 org.osgi.service.feature
159.12 org.osgi.service.feature.annotation
159.13 References
160 Feature Launcher Service Specification
160.1 Introduction
160.2 Features and Artifact Repositories
160.3 Common themes
160.4 The Feature Launcher
160.5 The Feature Runtime Service
160.6 Capabilities
160.7 Security
160.8 org.osgi.service.featurelauncher
160.9 org.osgi.service.featurelauncher.annotation
160.10 org.osgi.service.featurelauncher.decorator
160.11 org.osgi.service.featurelauncher.repository
160.12 org.osgi.service.featurelauncher.runtime
160.13 References
702 XML Parser Service Specification
702.1 Introduction
702.2 JAXP
702.3 XML Parser service
702.4 Properties
702.5 Getting a Parser Factory
702.6 Adapting a JAXP Parser to OSGi
702.7 Usage of JAXP
702.8 Security
702.9 org.osgi.util.xml
702.10 References
705 Promises Specification
705.1 Introduction
705.2 Promise
705.3 Deferred
705.4 Callbacks
705.5 Chaining Promises
705.6 Monad
705.7 Timing
705.8 Functional Interfaces
705.9 Utility Methods
705.10 Security
705.11 org.osgi.util.promise
705.12 org.osgi.util.function
705.13 References
705.14 Changes
706 Push Stream Specification
706.1 Introduction
706.2 Asynchronous Event Streams
706.3 The Push Stream
706.4 The Push Stream Provider
706.5 Simple Push Event Sources
706.6 Security
706.7 org.osgi.util.pushstream
706.8 References
706.9 Changes
707 Converter Specification
707.1 Introduction
707.2 Entities
707.3 Standard Converter
707.4 Conversions
707.5 Repeated or Deferred Conversions
707.6 Customizing converters
707.7 Conversion failures
707.8 Security
707.9 org.osgi.util.converter
707.10 References

List of Figures

100.1 Architecture
100.2 Distribution Service Properties
100.3 Relation between imported and exported configuration types
103.1 Device Access Class Overview
103.2 Legend for Device Driver Services Taxonomy
103.3 Base Driver Types
103.4 Refining Driver Diagram
103.5 Network Driver diagram
103.6 Composite Driver structure
103.7 Bridging Driver Structure
103.8 Multiplexing Driver Structure
103.9 Pure Consuming Driver Structure
103.10 Device Attachment Algorithm
104.1 Configuration Admin Service Overview
104.2 Overall Service Diagram
104.3 Differentiation of ManagedService and ManagedServiceFactory Classes
104.4 Managed Service Configuration Action Diagram
104.5 PIDs and External Associations
104.6 Managed Service Factory Action Diagram
104.7 Managed Service Factory Example
104.8 Order of Configuration Plugin Services
105.1 Class Diagram Meta Type Service, org.osgi.service.metatype
105.2 Sources for Meta Types
105.3 XML Schema Instance Structure (Type name = Element name)
106.1 Preferences Class Diagram
106.2 Categorization of nodes in a tree
107.1 User Admin Service, org.osgi.service.useradmin
108.1 Class Diagram, org.osgi.service.wireadmin
108.2 An Example Wiring Scheme in an OSGi Environment
108.3 Composite Producer Example
108.4 Envelope
108.5 Filtering of Updates
108.6 Elapsed Time Change
108.7 Absolute Delta
108.8 Relative Delta (not to scale)
108.9 Hysteresis
108.10 Converter (for legend see Figure 108.2 )
108.11 Connecting External Entities
111.1 UPnP Service Specification class Diagram org.osgi.service.upnp package
111.2 UPnP device hierarchy
111.3 Event Dispatching for Local and External Devices
112.1 Service Component Runtime, org.osgi.service.component package
112.2 Immediate Component Configuration
112.3 Delayed Component Configuration
112.4 Factory Component
112.5 Sequence Diagram for binding
112.6 Service Component Runtime DTOs
113.1 The Event Admin service org.osgi.service.event package
113.2 Channel Pattern
117.1 Overall Service Diagram
117.2 Using Dmt Admin service, org.osgi.service.dmt and org.osgi.service.dmt.notification.* packages
117.3 Extending the Dmt Admin service, org.osgi.service.dmt.spi package
117.4 Device Management Tree example
117.5 DMT naming, relative to node F
117.6 Actors
117.7 DMT node and deletion
117.8 Nodes and meta nodes
117.9 Device Management Tree example
117.10 Scaffold Nodes
117.11 Example Scaffold Nodes
117.12 Data Modeling
117.13 Example Scaffold Nodes For Child Plugin
117.14 Example Mount Points
117.15 Mount Point Sharing
117.16 Mount Point Multiple Sharing
117.17 Example Exclusion
117.18 Plugin Activation
117.19 ACL inheritance
117.20 ACLs for the ACL property
117.21 Example DMT before
117.22 Example DMT after
117.23 Device Management Architecture
117.24 Implementing & Browsing
117.25 Type inheritance and structure
117.26 LIST Nodes
117.27 MAP Nodes
117.28 Conversions
117.29 Separation of clients and plugins
117.30 Access control context, for Local Manager and Protocol Adapter operation
122.1 Remote Service Admin Entities
122.2 Roles
122.3 Fail Over Scenario in a cluster
122.4 Examples
122.5 Endpoint Discovery Architecture. T=Topology Manager, D=Discovery
122.6 Endpoint Description XML Structure
123.1 Transaction Service Specification Entities
123.2 Data Source Proxy
125.1 JDBC Class/Service Overview
126.1 JNDI Service Specification Service Entities
126.2 Backing Context
127.1 JPA Service overview
127.2 JPA Client View
127.3 JPA Configuration
127.4 JPA Dynamic Model
128.1 Web Container Entities
128.2 State diagram Web Application
128.3 Web URL Handler
130.1 Class and Service overview
130.2 Action Diagram Implicit Coordination
130.3 Flow through the Coordination template
130.4 Coordination state diagram
131.1 TR-069 Entities
131.2 TR-069 Reference Architecture
131.3 Type Model TR-069
131.4 TR-069 Object and Parameter naming relative to the parameter MemoryStatus
131.5 TR-069 Connector Context
131.6 Aliases
131.7 DMT to TR-069
131.8 TR-069 to DMT
132.1 Class and Service overview
132.2 XML Structure
133.1 Entities
133.2 Cardinality Service Type
138.1 Class and Service overview
139.1 EnOcean Service Specification class diagram.
139.2 EnOcean device import.
139.3 EnOcean device export.
139.4 Using a set of message descriptions.
139.5 EnOcean Base Driver and a refinement driver representing devices in an abstract model.
139.6 EnOcean channel and EnOcean channel descriptions.
140.1 Servlet Whiteboard Overview Diagram
140.2 Servlet Context entities and their relation
140.3 Runtime DTO Overview Diagram
140.4 Request Info DTO Overview Diagram
141.1 Device Abstraction Layer Overview
141.2 Device Reference
141.3 Device Status Transitions
141.4 Transitions to and from STATUS_OFFLINE
141.5 Transitions to and from STATUS_ONLINE
141.6 Transitions to and from STATUS_PROCESSING
141.7 Transitions to and from STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED
141.8 Transitions to and from STATUS_NOT_CONFIGURED
143.1 Network Interface Information Service Overview Diagram
144.1 Resource monitoring class diagram specification.
144.2 Threshold state diagram.
144.3 Number of in-use sockets over the time.
144.4 CPU consumption (%) over the time – Upper Threshold.
145.1 USB Information Device Service Overview Diagram
146.1 Serial Device Service class diagram
147.1 Class and Service overview
148.1 Clusterinfo Entity overview
148.2 Example cluster deployment
149.1 ZigBee Service Specification class Diagram org.osgi.service.zigbee package
149.2 ZigBee device import
149.3 ZigBee device export
149.4 Using a set of device descriptions
149.5 ZigBee Cluster Library model
149.6 The ZigBee Base Driver and a refining driver representing devices in an abstract model
150.1 Configurator Entity Overview
151.1 Jakarta RESTful Web Services Whiteboard Overview Diagram
152.1 CCR Model
152.2 CDI Scope Model
152.3 CDI Component Runtime DTOs
153.1 Entity overview of Service Layer API for oneM2M
153.2 DTOs representing high level structures
154.1 Device Management Architecture
154.2 Requirements and Capabilities and their Wiring
154.3 Example Sub-Tree
154.4 Requirements and Capabilities and their Wiring
155.1 Management Agent Architecture
157.1 Class and Service overview
158.1 Log Stream Diagram org.osgi.service.log.stream package
159.1 Features Entity overview
160.1 Features Entity overview
702.1 XML Parsing diagram
705.1 Class diagram of org.osgi.util.promise
707.1 Converter Entity overview

List of Tables

1.1 Packages and versions
100.1 Remote Service Properties registered by the Distribution Provider
100.2 Remote Service Properties registered by Exporting bundles
100.3 Synonyms and Alternatives in Exported Configurations
103.1 Example Device Category Properties, M=Mandatory, O=Optional
103.2 Sample Device Category Match Scale
103.3 Driver attachment algorithm
104.1 Schemes for Device-Oriented PID Names
104.2 service.cmRanking Usage For Ordering
105.1 XML Schema for Meta Type resources
107.1 Example Groups with Basic and Required Members
107.2 Example Action Groups with their Basic and Required Members
108.1 Standard Wire Properties
108.2 Examples of scope calculation. C=Consumer, P=Producer, p=WirePermission, s=scope
108.3 Filter Attribute Names
108.4 Events
111.1 Mapping UPnP Date/Time types to Java
112.1 Action taken for policy-option when a new or higher ranking service becomes available
112.2 Component Element and Annotations
112.3 Implementation Element and Annotations
112.4 Property Element and Annotations
112.5 Properties Element and Annotations
112.6 Service Element and Annotations
112.7 Provide Element and Annotations
112.8 Reference Element and Annotations
112.9 Factory Property Element and Annotations
112.10 Factory Properties Element and Annotations
112.11 Component Property Name Mapping Examples
112.12 Single-Element Annotation Mapping Examples for value Method
112.13 Coercion From Property Value to Method Type
113.1 General property names for events
117.1 Data Formats
117.2 Standard Interior Node Types
117.3 Supported Scaffold Node Methods
117.4 Scaffold Meta Node Supported Methods
117.5 Shared Mount Point Meta Node Supported Methods
117.6 Service Properties for the Dmt Event Listener
117.7 Event Types
117.8 General Event
117.9 Event Properties For Session Events
117.10 Event Properties for Life Cycle Events
117.11 Conversion for Collections
122.1 Endpoint Properties
122.2 Property Attributes
122.3 osgi.remoteserviceadmin.discovery Namespace
122.4 osgi.remoteserviceadmin.distribution Namespace
122.5 osgi.remoteserviceadmin.topology Namespace
122.6 Endpoint Permission Actions
128.1 Dependency versions
128.2 Servlet Context Service Properties
128.3 Web bundle URL Parameters
130.1 States and transitions
131.1 TR-106 Data types
131.2 TR-069 RPCs
131.3 Supported TR-069 RPCs
131.4 Escaping Parameter Names
131.5 TR-069 Types, MIME types
131.6 Dmt Data Format to TR-069 Data
131.7 TR-069 Value to Dmt Data
131.8 Modes based on type of path and NextLevel arguments
131.9 Example Get Parameter Names
131.10 Exceptions to TR-069 Fault code.
132.1 Repository Service Properties
132.2 osgi.content definition
132.3 repository element attributes
132.4 referral element attributes
132.5 capability element attributes
132.6 requirement element attributes
132.7 attribute element attributes
132.8 directive element attributes
133.1 osgi.serviceloader namespace definition
135.1 osgi.extender Namespace
135.2 osgi.contract Namespace
135.3 osgi.service Namespace
135.4 osgi.implementation Namespace
139.1 EnOcean Data Channel Description example
139.2 EnOcean Enumerated Channel Description example
140.1 Service registration properties for ServletContextHelper services.
140.2 Behavior of ServletContext methods.
140.3 Common properties
140.4 Service properties for Servlet Whiteboard services.
140.5 Service properties for Filter Whiteboard services.
140.6 Service properties for Preprocessor Whiteboard services.
140.7 Service properties for resource services.
140.8 Service properties for listener services.
140.9 Service properties for the HttpServiceRuntime service
141.1 Status detail to status mapping.
141.2 Device Status Transitions
142.1 BooleanControl Operations
142.2 BooleanControl Properties
142.3 BooleanSensor Properties
142.4 MultiLevelControl Properties
142.5 MultiLevelSensor Properties
142.6 Meter Properties
142.7 BooleanSensor Properties
142.8 Keypad Properties
142.9 WakeUp Properties
143.1 Service properties of NetworkAdapter service
143.2 Network Interface Type
143.3 Service properties of NetworkAddress service
143.4 IP Address Version
143.5 IP Address Scope
144.1 Table of resource types.
145.1 Service properties of USBInfoDevice service from Device Descriptor
145.2 Service properties of USBInfoDevice service from Interface Descriptor
145.3 Additional service properties of USBInfoDevice service
146.1 Service properties of SerialDevice service
147.1 Methods for executing scoped work
147.2 Transaction Status Values
147.3 Lifecycle rules for Local Transactions
147.4 Pooling configuration properties
148.1 Service properties of the NodeStatus service
148.2 Additional service properties of the FrameworkNodeStatus service
149.1 Mapping of ZCL Data Types to Java
150.1 Resource-level Configurator Keys
150.2 PID-level Configurator Keys
150.3 JSON Conversions
150.4 Applying Configurations: Overwrite Policies
150.5 Removing externally modified configurations
150.6 osgi.configuration namespace definition
151.1 Service properties for the JakartarsServiceRuntime service
151.2 Common properties
151.3 Service properties for Jakarta RESTful Web Services Whiteboard resource services.
151.4 Service properties for Jakarta RESTful Web Services Whiteboard extension services.
151.5 Service properties for Jakarta RESTful Web Services Whiteboard application services.
152.1 Component Context Events
152.2 Bean Property Type Name Mapping Examples
152.3 Single-Element Annotation Mapping Examples for value Method
152.4 Coercion From Property Value to Method Type
152.5 @Service applied to Producers
152.6 Reference injection point types
152.7 Portable Extension Service Properties
152.8 Bean Manager Service Properties
154.1 Example Target and results on a session opened on ./A
154.2 osgi.wiring.rmt.service namespace
154.3 Sub-tree Description for $
154.4 Sub-tree Description for Bundle
154.5 Sub-tree Description for Bundle.Certificate
154.6 Sub-tree Description for Bundle.Entry
154.7 Sub-tree Description for Filter
154.8 Sub-tree Description for Framework
154.9 Sub-tree Description for Wire
154.10 Sub-tree Description for Wire.Capability
154.11 Sub-tree Description for Wire.Requirement
154.12 Sub-tree Description for Log
154.13 Sub-tree Description for LogEntry
155.1 Mapping of concepts
155.2 OSGi Specific Information for the BBF Software Modules object model
157.1 Service properties applicable to Event Handler services
159.1 Feature Attributes
160.1 Command line options for the Feature Launcher
702.1 JAXP 1.1 minimum package versions
706.1 Stateless Intermediate Operations on the Push Stream
706.2 Stateful Intermediate Operations on the Push Stream
706.3 Non Short Circuiting Terminal Operations on the Push Stream
706.4 Short Circuiting Terminal Operations on the Push Stream
707.1 Scalar types that support direct conversions
707.2 Special cases converting to scalars from String
707.3 Converting to Enum types
707.4 Collection / Array target creation
707.5 Component Property Name Mapping Examples
707.6 Single-Element Annotation Mapping Examples for value Method
707.7 Map target creation