146 Serial Device Service Specification

146.1 Introduction

Recently, OSGi is gaining popularity as an enabling technology for building embedded systems in the residential market as well as other Internet-of-Things (IoT) domains. It is expected that communication with various devices attached to OSGi enabled gateways will be necessary.

Such communication can be implemented by means of serial connection when using non-IP devices based on ZigBee and Z-wave protocols. The most typical case arises when a USB dongle that supports such protocols is connected to the USB port of such a device, for example, residential gateway. The Operating System on the gateways will recognize the dongle as a virtual serial device and initiate a serial communication with the application process.

The Serial Device Service specification defines an API for establishing communications between an OSGi bundle and a serial device, such as a ZigBee coordinator or Z-Wave controller.

Device Category Specifications defines the concept of device categories. USB Information Device Category Specification defines a device category for USB devices. This specification and USB Information Device Category Specification provide a solution for the USB serial use case.

146.1.1 Entities

  • SerialDevice - This is an OSGi service that is used to represent a serial device. This OSGi service stores information regarding serial device and its status as service properties and provides communication function with the device.

  • SerialEventListener - A listener to events coming from Serial Devices.

  • Serial base driver bundle - The bundle that implements SerialDevice. Serial base driver bundle registers SerialDevice services with the Framework. It provides communication function with the (physical) serial devices.

  • Refining driver bundle - Refining drivers provide a refined view of a physical device that is already represented by another Device service registered with the Framework (see the details for Device Access Specification).

Figure 146.1 Serial Device Service class diagram

Serial Device Service class diagram

146.2 SerialDevice Service

SerialDevice is the interface expressing a serial device. It maintains information and state of the serial device as a service property. It provides the communication facility with the serial device. Each SerialDevice expresses each serial device.

SerialDevice service is registered with the service registry with service properties as shown in the following table.

Table 146.1 Service properties of SerialDevice service

The key of service property Type Description

Constant for the value of the service property DEVICE_CATEGORY used for all Serial devices. Value is "Serial".

serial.comport String

MANDATORY property key. Represents the name of the port.

Examples: "/dev/ttyUSB0", "COM5", "/dev/tty.usbserial-XXXXXX"

The Serial base driver may need native libraries. This document has a precondition that there are native libraries. It is out of scope how to install native libraries.

146.3 SerialEventListener Service

Serial events are sent using the white board model, in which a bundle interested in receiving the Serial events registers an object implementing the SerialEventListener interface. A COM port name can be set to limit the events for which a bundle is notified.

146.4 USB Serial Example

The Serial base driver registers a SerialDevice service that represents a (physical) Serial device. If the device is USB Serial device, then it is recommended that the base driver implements USBInfoDevice and SerialDevice concurrently, and registers the service under USBInfoDevice and SerialDevice interfaces.

146.5 Security

To acquire the Serial device service, the refining bundle need that ServicePermission[SerialDevice, GET] are assigned.

To receive the Serial events, the bundles need that ServicePermission[SerialEventListener, REGISTER] are assigned.

SerialDevice service should only be implemented by trusted bundles. This bundle requires ServicePermission[SerialDevice, REGISTER] and ServicePermission[SerialEventListener, GET].

146.6 org.osgi.service.serial

Version 1.0

Serial Device Service Specification Package Version 1.0.

Bundles wishing to use this package must list the package in the Import-Package header of the bundle's manifest. This package has two types of users: the consumers that use the API in this package and the providers that implement the API in this package.

Example import for consumers using the API in this package:

Import-Package: org.osgi.service.serial; version="[1.0,2.0)"

146.6.1 Summary

  • SerialConstants - Constants for serial device settings.

  • SerialDevice - SerialDevice is a service representing a device performing serial communication.

  • SerialDeviceException - A exception used to indicate that a serial device communication problem occurred.

  • SerialEvent - A serial device event.

  • SerialEventListener - Serial events are sent using the white board model, in which a bundle interested in receiving the Serial events registers an object implementing the SerialEventListener interface.

  • SerialPortConfiguration - An object represents the Serial port configuration.

146.6.2 public final class SerialConstants

Constants for serial device settings. public static final int BAUD_115200 = 115200

Baud rate: 115200. public static final int BAUD_14400 = 14400

Baud rate: 14400. public static final int BAUD_19200 = 19200

Baud rate: 19200. public static final int BAUD_38400 = 38400

Baud rate: 38400. public static final int BAUD_57600 = 57600

Baud rate: 57600. public static final int BAUD_9600 = 9600

Baud rate: 9600. public static final int BAUD_AUTO = -1

Baud rate: Automatic baud rate (if available). public static final int DATABITS_5 = 5

Data bits: 5. public static final int DATABITS_6 = 6

Data bits: 6. public static final int DATABITS_7 = 7

Data bits: 7. public static final int DATABITS_8 = 8

Data bits: 8. public static final int FLOWCONTROL_NONE = 0

Flow control: None. public static final int FLOWCONTROL_RTSCTS_IN = 1

Flow control: RTS/CTS on input. public static final int FLOWCONTROL_RTSCTS_OUT = 2

Flow control: RTS/CTS on output. public static final int FLOWCONTROL_XONXOFF_IN = 4

Flow control: XON/XOFF on input. public static final int FLOWCONTROL_XONXOFF_OUT = 8

Flow control: XON/XOFF on output. public static final int PARITY_EVEN = 2

Parity: Even. public static final int PARITY_MARK = 3

Parity: Mark. public static final int PARITY_NONE = 0

Parity: None. public static final int PARITY_ODD = 1

Parity: Odd. public static final int PARITY_SPACE = 4

Parity: Space. public static final int STOPBITS_1 = 1

Stop bits: 1. public static final int STOPBITS_1_5 = 3

Stop bits: 1.5. public static final int STOPBITS_2 = 2

Stop bits: 2.

146.6.3 public interface SerialDevice

SerialDevice is a service representing a device performing serial communication.

Thread-safe public static final String DEVICE_CATEGORY = "Serial"

Constant for the value of the service property DEVICE_CATEGORY used for all Serial devices.

A Serial base driver bundle must set this property key.

org.osgi.service.device.Constants.DEVICE_CATEGORY public static final String SERIAL_COMPORT = "serial.comport"

Service property for the serial comport.

Represents the name of the port. The value type is String.

For example, "/dev/ttyUSB0", "COM5", or "/dev/tty.usbserial-XXXXXX". public SerialPortConfiguration getConfiguration()

Gets the Serial port configuration.

The SerialPortConfiguration object containing the configuration. public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException

Returns an input stream.

An input stream.

IOException– if an I/O error occurred. public OutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException

Returns an output stream.

An output stream.

IOException– If an I/O error occurred. public boolean isCTS()

Returns the CTS state.

The CTS state. public boolean isDSR()

Returns the DSR state.

The DSR state. public boolean isDTR()

Returns the DTR state.

The DTR state. public boolean isRTS()

Returns the DTS state.

The DTS state. public void setConfiguration(SerialPortConfiguration configuration) throws SerialDeviceException

The SerialPortConfiguration object containing the configuration.

Sets the Serial port configuration.

SerialDeviceException– If the parameter is specified incorrectly or the parameter is not supported. public void setDTR(boolean dtr) throws SerialDeviceException

true for DTR on; false for DTR for off.

Sets the DTR state.

SerialDeviceException– If the parameter is not supported. public void setRTS(boolean rts) throws SerialDeviceException

true for RTS on; false for RTS for off.

Sets the RTS state.

SerialDeviceException– If the parameter is not supported.

146.6.4 public class SerialDeviceException
extends Exception

A exception used to indicate that a serial device communication problem occurred. public static final int PORT_IN_USE = 1

The port in use. public static final int UNKNOWN = 0

The reason is unknown. public static final int UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION = 2

The operation is unsupported. public SerialDeviceException(int type, String message)

The type for this exception.

The message.

Creates a SerialDeviceException with the specified type and message. public int getType()

Returns the type for this exception.

The type of this exception.

146.6.5 public interface SerialEvent

A serial device event. SerialEvent objects are delivered to SerialEventListeners when an event occurs.

A type of code is used to identify the event. Additional event types may be defined in the future.

Thread-safe public static final int DATA_AVAILABLE = 1

Event type indicating data available. public String getComPort()

Returns the port name of this event.

This value must be equal to the value of SerialDevice.SERIAL_COMPORT service property of the SerialDevice.

The port name of this event. public int getType()

Returns the type of this event.

The type of this event.

146.6.6 public interface SerialEventListener

Serial events are sent using the white board model, in which a bundle interested in receiving the Serial events registers an object implementing the SerialEventListener interface. A COM port name can be set to limit the events for which a bundle is notified.

Thread-safe public static final String SERIAL_COMPORT = "serial.comport"

Key for a service property that is used to limit received events. public void notifyEvent(SerialEvent event)

The SerialEvent object.

Callback method that is invoked for received an event.

146.6.7 public class SerialPortConfiguration

An object represents the Serial port configuration.

Immutable public SerialPortConfiguration(int baudRate, int dataBits, int flowControl, int parity, int stopBits)

Baud rate.

Data bits.

Flow control.


Stop bits.

Creates an instance of the serial port configuration with the specified Baud rate, Data bits, Flow control, Parity and Stop bits. public SerialPortConfiguration(int baudRate)

Baud rate.

Creates an instance of the serial port configuration with the specified Baud rate and the following configuration: Data bits = 8, Flow control = none, Parity = none, Stop bits = 1. public SerialPortConfiguration()

Creates an instance of the serial port configuration with the following configuration: Baud rate = auto, Data bits = 8, Flow control = none, Parity = none, Stop bits = 1. public int getBaudRate()

Returns the baud rate.

The baud rate. public int getDataBits()

Returns the data bits.

The data bits. public int getFlowControl()

Returns the flow control.

The flow control. public int getParity()

Returns the parity.

The parity. public int getStopBits()

Returns the stop bits.

The stop bits.