113 Event Admin Service Specification

113.1 Introduction

Nearly all the bundles in an OSGi framework must deal with events, either as an event publisher or as an event handler. So far, the preferred mechanism to disperse those events have been the service interface mechanism.

Dispatching events for a design related to X, usually involves a service of type XListener. However, this model does not scale well for fine grained events that must be dispatched to many different handlers. Additionally, the dynamic nature of the OSGi environment introduces several complexities because both event publishers and event handlers can appear and disappear at any time.

The Event Admin service provides an inter-bundle communication mechanism. It is based on a event publish and subscribe model, popular in many message based systems.

This specification defines the details for the participants in this event model.

113.1.1 Essentials

  • Simplifications - The model must significantly simplify the process of programming an event source and an event handler.

  • Dependencies - Handle the myriad of dependencies between event sources and event handlers for proper cleanup.

  • Synchronicity - It must be possible to deliver events asynchronously or synchronously with the caller.

  • Event Window - Only event handlers that are active when an event is published must receive this event, handlers that register later must not see the event.

  • Performance - The event mechanism must impose minimal overhead in delivering events.

  • Selectivity - Event listeners must only receive notifications for the event types for which they are interested

  • Reliability - The Event Admin must ensure that events continue to be delivered regardless the quality of the event handlers.

  • Security - Publishing and receiving events are sensitive operations that must be protected per event type.

  • Extensibility - It must be possible to define new event types with their own data types.

  • Native Code - Events must be able to be passed to native code or come from native code.

  • OSGi Events - The OSGi Framework, as well as a number of OSGi services, already have number of its own events defined. For uniformity of processing, these have to be mapped into generic event types.

113.1.2 Entities

  • Event - An Event object has a topic and a Dictionary object that contains the event properties. It is an immutable object.

  • Event Admin - The service that provides the publish and subscribe model to Event Handlers and Event Publishers.

  • Event Handler - A service that receives and handles Event objects.

  • Event Publisher - A bundle that sends event through the Event Admin service.

  • Event Subscriber - Another name for an Event Handler.

  • Topic - The name of an Event type.

  • Event Properties - The set of properties that is associated with an Event.

Figure 113.1 The Event Admin service org.osgi.service.event package

The Event Admin service org.osgi.service.event package

113.1.3 Synopsis

The Event Admin service provides a place for bundles to publish events, regardless of their destination. It is also used by Event Handlers to subscribe to specific types of events.

Events are published under a topic, together with a number of event properties. Event Handlers can specify a filter to control the Events they receive on a very fine grained basis.

113.1.4 What To Read

113.2 Event Admin Architecture

The Event Admin is based on the Publish-Subscribe pattern. This pattern decouples sources from their handlers by interposing an event channel between them. The publisher posts events to the channel, which identifies which handlers need to be notified and then takes care of the notification process. This model is depicted in Figure 113.2.

Figure 113.2 Channel Pattern

Channel Pattern

In this model, the event source and event handler are completely decoupled because neither has any direct knowledge of the other. The complicated logic of monitoring changes in the event publishers and event handlers is completely contained within the event channel. This is highly advantageous in an OSGi environment because it simplifies the process of both sending and receiving events.

113.3 The Event

Events have the following attributes:

  • Topic - A topic that defines what happened. For example, when a bundle is started an event is published that has a topic of org/osgi/framework/BundleEvent/STARTED.

  • Properties - Zero or more properties that contain additional information about the event. For example, the previous example event has a property of bundle.id which is set to a Long object, among other properties.

113.3.1 Topics

The topic of an event defines the type of the event. It is fairly granular in order to give handlers the opportunity to register for just the events they are interested in. When a topic is designed, its name should not include any other information, such as the publisher of the event or the data associated with the event, those parts are intended to be stored in the event properties.

The topic is intended to serve as a first-level filter for determining which handlers should receive the event. Event Admin service implementations use the structure of the topic to optimize the dispatching of the events to the handlers.

Topics are arranged in a hierarchical namespace. Each level is defined by a token and levels are separated by solidi ('/' \u002F). More precisely, the topic must conform to the following grammar:

  topic ::= token ( '/' token ) *    // See General Syntax Definitions in Core

Topics should be designed to become more specific when going from left to right. Handlers can provide a prefix that matches a topic, using the preferred order allows a handler to minimize the number of prefixes it needs to register.

Topics are case-sensitive. As a convention, topics should follow the reverse domain name scheme used by Java packages to guarantee uniqueness. The separator must be a solidus ('/' \u002F) instead of the full stop ('.' \u002E).

This specification uses the convention fully/qualified/package/ClassName/ACTION. If necessary, a pseudo-class-name is used.

113.3.2 Properties

Information about the actual event is provided as properties. The property name is a case-sensitive string and the value can be any object. Although any Java object can be used as a property value, only String objects and the eight primitive types (plus their wrappers) should be used. Other types cannot be passed to handlers that reside external from the Java VM.

Another reason that arbitrary classes should not be used is the mutability of objects. If the values are not immutable, then any handler that receives the event could change the value. Any handlers that received the event subsequently would see the altered value and not the value as it was when the event was sent.

The topic of the event is available as a property with the key EVENT_TOPIC. This allows filters to include the topic as a condition if necessary.

113.3.3 High Performance

An event processing system can become a bottleneck in large systems. One expensive aspect of the Event object is its properties and its immutability. This combination requires the Event object to create a copy of the properties for each object. There are many situations where the same properties are dispatched through Event Admin, the topic is then used to signal the information. Creating the copy of the properties can therefore take unnecessary CPU time and memory. However, the immutability of the Event object requires the properties to be immutable.

For this reason, this specification also provides an immutable Map with the Event Properties class. This class implements an immutable map that is recognized and trusted by the Event object to not mutate. Using an Event Properties object allows a client to create many different Event objects with different topics but sharing the same properties object.

The following example shows how an event poster can limit the copying of the properties.

void foo(EventAdmin eventAdmin) {
   Map<String,Object> props = new HashMap<String,Object>();
   props.put("foo", 1);
   EventProperties eventProps = new EventProperties( props);

   for ( int i=0; i<1000; i++)
      eventAdmin.postEvent( new Event( "my/topic/" + i, eventProps));

113.4 Event Handler

Event handlers must be registered as services with the OSGi framework under the object class org.osgi.service.event.EventHandler.

Event handlers should be registered with a property (constant from the EventConstants class) EVENT_TOPIC. The value being a String, String[] or Collection<String> object that describes which topics the handler is interested in. A wildcard asterisk ('*' \u002A) may be used as the last token of a topic name, for example com/action/*. This matches any topic that shares the same first tokens. For example, com/action/* matches com/action/listen.

Event Handlers which have not specified the EVENT_TOPIC service property must not receive events.

The value of each entry in the EVENT_TOPIC service registration property must conform to the following grammar:

topic-scope ::= '*' | ( topic '/*'?  )

The EventTopics component property type can be used for this property on Declarative Services components.

Event handlers can also be registered with a service property named EVENT_FILTER. The value of this property must be a string containing a Framework filter specification. Any of the event's properties can be used in the filter expression.

event-filter ::= filter              //  See Filter Syntax in Core

Each Event Handler is notified for any event which belongs to the topics the handler has expressed an interest in. If the handler has defined a EVENT_FILTER service property then the event properties must also match the filter expression. If the filter is an error, then the Event Admin service should log a warning and further ignore the Event Handler. The EventFilter component property type can be used for this property on Declarative Services components.

For example, a bundle wants to see all Log Service events with a level of WARNING or ERROR, but it must ignore the INFO and DEBUG events. Additionally, the only events of interest are when the bundle symbolic name starts with com.acme.

public AcmeWatchDog implements BundleActivator, 
        EventHandler {
    final static String [] topics = new String[] {
        "org/osgi/service/log/LogEntry/LOG_ERROR" };

    public void start(BundleContext context) {
        Dictionary d = new Hashtable();
        d.put(EventConstants.EVENT_TOPIC, topics );
            "(bundle.symbolicName=com.acme.*)" );
        context.registerService( EventHandler.class.getName(),
            this, d );
    public void stop( BundleContext context) {}

    public void handleEvent(Event event ) {

If there are multiple Event Admin services registered with the Framework then all Event Admin services must send their published events to all registered Event Handlers.

113.4.1 Ordering

In the default case, an Event Handler will receive posted (asynchronous) events from a single thread in the same order as they were posted. Maintaining this ordering guarantee requires the Event Admin to serialize the delivery of events instead of, for example, delivering the events on different worker threads. There are many scenarios where this ordering is not really required. For this reason, an Event Handler can signal to the Event Admin that events can be delivered out of order. This is notified with the EVENT_DELIVERY service property. This service property can be used in the following way:

The EventDelivery component property type can be used for this property on Declarative Services components.

113.5 Event Publisher

To fire an event, the event source must retrieve the Event Admin service from the OSGi service registry. Then it creates the event object and calls one of the Event Admin service's methods to fire the event either synchronously or asynchronously.

The following example is a class that publishes a time event every 60 seconds.

public class TimerEvent extends Thread 
    implements BundleActivator {
    Hashtable      time = new Hashtable();
    ServiceTracker tracker;

    public TimerEvent() { super("TimerEvent"); }

    public void start(BundleContext context ) {
        tracker = new ServiceTracker(context,
            EventAdmin.class.getName(), null );

    public void stop( BundleContext context ) {

    public void run() {
        while ( ! Thread.interrupted() ) try {
            Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();

            EventAdmin ea =
                (EventAdmin) tracker.getService();
            if ( ea != null )
                ea.sendEvent(new Event("com/acme/timer",
                    time ));
        } catch( InterruptedException e ) {

    void set( Calendar c, int field, String key ) {
        time.put( key, new Integer(c.get(field)) );

113.6 Specific Events

113.6.1 General Conventions

Some handlers are more interested in the contents of an event rather than what actually happened. For example, a handler wants to be notified whenever an Exception is thrown anywhere in the system. Both Framework Events and Log Entry events may contain an exception that would be of interest to this hypothetical handler. If both Framework Events and Log Entries use the same property names then the handler can access the Exception in exactly the same way. If some future event type follows the same conventions then the handler can receive and process the new event type even though it had no knowledge of it when it was compiled.

The following properties are suggested as conventions. When new event types are defined they should use these names with the corresponding types and values where appropriate. These values should be set only if they are not null

A list of these property names can be found in the following table.

Table 113.1 General property names for events

Name Type Notes


String | Collection <String>

A bundle's signers DN



A bundle's version



A bundle's symbolic name



The actual event object. Used when rebroadcasting an event that was sent via some other event mechanism



An exception or error



Must be equal to exception.getMessage().



Must be equal to the name of the Exception class.



A human-readable message that is usually not localized.


Service Reference

A Service Reference



A service's id



A service's objectClass


String | Collection <String>

A service's persistent identity. A PID that is specified with a String[] must be coerced into a Collection<String>.



The time when the event occurred, as reported by System.currentTimeMillis()

The topic of an OSGi event is constructed by taking the fully qualified name of the event class, substituting a solidus ('/' \u002F)for every full stop, and appending a solidus followed by the name of the constant that defines the event type. For example, the topic of


Event becomes


If a type code for the event is unknown then the event must be ignored.

113.6.2 OSGi Events

In order to present a consistent view of all the events occurring in the system, the existing Framework-level events are mapped to the Event Admin's publish-subscribe model. This allows event subscribers to treat framework events exactly the same as other events.

It is the responsibility of the Event Admin service implementation to map these Framework events to its queue.

The properties associated with the event depends on its class as outlined in the following sections.

113.6.3 Framework Event

Framework Events must be delivered asynchronously with a topic of:


The following event types are supported:


Other events are ignored, no event will be send by the Event Admin. The following event properties must be set for a Framework Event.

  • event - (FrameworkEvent) The original event object.

If the FrameworkEvent getBundle method returns a non-null value, the following fields must be set:

  • bundle.id - (Long) The source's bundle id.

  • bundle.symbolicName - (String) The source bundle's symbolic name. Only set if the bundle's symbolic name is not null.

  • bundle.version - (Version) The version of the bundle, if set.

  • bundle.signer - (String|Collection<String>) The DNs of the signers.

  • bundle - (Bundle) The source bundle.

If the FrameworkEvent getThrowable method returns a non-null value:

  • exception.class - (String) The fully-qualified class name of the attached Exception.

  • exception.message -( String) The message of the attached exception. Only set if the Exception message is not null.

  • exception - (Throwable) The Exception returned by the getThrowable method.

113.6.4 Bundle Event

Framework Events must be delivered asynchronously with a topic of:

org/osgi/framework/BundleEvent/<event type>

The following event types are supported:


Unknown events must be ignored.

The following event properties must be set for a Bundle Event. If listeners require synchronous delivery then they should register a Synchronous Bundle Listener with the Framework.

  • event - (BundleEvent) The original event object.

  • bundle.id - (Long) The source's bundle id.

  • bundle.symbolicName - (String) The source bundle's symbolic name. Only set if the bundle's symbolic name is not null.

  • bundle.version - (Version) The version of the bundle, if set.

  • bundle.signer - (String|Collection<String>) The DNs of the signers.

  • bundle - (Bundle) The source bundle.

113.6.5 Service Event

Service Events must be delivered asynchronously with the topic:


The following event types are supported:


Unknown events must be ignored.

  • event - (ServiceEvent) The original Service Event object.

  • service - (ServiceReference) The result of the getServiceReference method

  • service.id - (Long) The service's ID.

  • service.pid - (String or Collection<String>) The service's persistent identity. Only set if not null. If the PID is specified as a String[] then it must be coerced into a Collection<String>.

  • service.objectClass - (String[]) The service's object class.

113.6.6 Other Event Sources

Several OSGi service specifications define their own event model. It is the responsibility of these services to map their events to Event Admin events. Event Admin is seen as a core service that will be present in most devices. However, if there is no Event Admin service present, applications are not mandated to buffer events.

113.7 Event Admin Service

The Event Admin service must be registered as a service with the object class org.osgi.service.event.EventAdmin. Multiple Event Admin services can be registered. Publishers should publish their event on the Event Admin service with the highest value for the SERVICE_RANKING service property. This is the service selected by the getServiceReference method.

The Event Admin service is responsible for tracking the registered handlers, handling event notifications and providing at least one thread for asynchronous event delivery.

113.7.1 Synchronous Event Delivery

Synchronous event delivery is initiated by the sendEvent method. When this method is invoked, the Event Admin service determines which handlers must be notified of the event and then notifies each one in turn. The handlers can be notified in the caller's thread or in an event-delivery thread, depending on the implementation. In either case, all notifications must be completely handled before the sendEvent method returns to the caller.

Synchronous event delivery is significantly more expensive than asynchronous delivery. All things considered equal, the asynchronous delivery should be preferred over the synchronous delivery.

Callers of this method will need to be coded defensively and assume that synchronous event notifications could be handled in a separate thread. That entails that they must not be holding any monitors when they invoke the sendEvent method. Otherwise they significantly increase the likelihood of deadlocks because Java monitors are not reentrant from another thread by definition. Not holding monitors is good practice even when the event is dispatched in the same thread.

113.7.2 Asynchronous Event Delivery

Asynchronous event delivery is initiated by the postEvent method. When this method is invoked, the Event Admin service must determine which handlers are interested in the event. By collecting this list of handlers during the method invocation, the Event Admin service ensures that only handlers that were registered at the time the event was posted will receive the event notification. This is the same as described in Delivering Events of OSGi Core Release 8.

The Event Admin service can use more than one thread to deliver events. If it does then it must guarantee that each handler receives the events in the same order as the events were posted, unless this handler allows unordered deliver, see Ordering. This ensures that handlers see events in their expected order. For example, for some handlers it would be an error to see a destroyed event before the corresponding created event.

Before notifying each handler, the event delivery thread must ensure that the handler is still registered in the service registry. If it has been unregistered then the handler must not be notified.

113.7.3 Order of Event Delivery

Asynchronous events are delivered in the order in which they arrive in the event queue. Thus if two events are posted by the same thread then they will be delivered in the same order (though other events may come between them). However, if two or more events are posted by different threads then the order in which they arrive in the queue (and therefore the order in which they are delivered) will depend very much on subtle timing issues. The event delivery system cannot make any guarantees in this case. An Event Handler can indicate that the ordering is not relevant, allowing the Event Admin to more aggressively parallelize the event deliver, see Ordering.

Synchronous events are delivered as soon as they are sent. If two events are sent by the same thread, one after the other, then they must be guaranteed to be processed serially and in the same order. However, if two events are sent by different threads then no guarantees can be made. The events can be processed in parallel or serially, depending on whether or not the Event Admin service dispatches synchronous events in the caller's thread or in a separate thread.

Note that if the actions of a handler trigger a synchronous event, then the delivery of the first event will be paused and delivery of the second event will begin. Once delivery of the second event has completed, delivery of the first event will resume. Thus some handlers may observe the second event before they observe the first one.

113.8 Reliability

113.8.1 Exceptions in callbacks

If a handler throws an Exception during delivery of an event, it must be caught by the Event Admin service and handled in some implementation specific way. If a Log Service is available the exception should be logged. Once the exception has been caught and dealt with, the event delivery must continue with the next handlers to be notified, if any.

As the Log Service can also forward events through the Event Admin service there is a potential for a loop when an event is reported to the Log Service.

113.8.2 Dealing with Stalled Handlers

Event handlers should not spend too long in the handleEvent method. Doing so will prevent other handlers in the system from being notified. If a handler needs to do something that can take a while, it should do it in a different thread.

An event admin implementation can attempt to detect stalled or deadlocked handlers and deal with them appropriately. Exactly how it deals with this situation is left as implementation specific. One allowed implementation is to mark the current event delivery thread as invalid and spawn a new event delivery thread. Event delivery must resume with the next handler to be notified.

Implementations can choose to deny list any handlers that they determine are misbehaving. Deny listed handlers must not be notified of any events. If a handler is deny listed, the event admin should log a message that explains the reason for it.

113.9 Interoperability with Native Applications

Implementations of the Event Admin service can support passing events to, and/or receiving events from native applications.

If the implementation supports native interoperability, it must be able to pass the topic of the event and its properties to/from native code. Implementations must be able to support property values of the following types:

  • String objects, including full Unicode support

  • Integer, Long, Byte, Short, Float, Double, Boolean, Character objects

  • Single-dimension arrays of the above types (including String)

  • Single-dimension arrays of Java's eight primitive types (int, long, byte, short, float, double, boolean, char)

Implementations can support additional types. Property values of unsupported types must be silently discarded.

113.10 Capabilities

113.10.1 osgi.implementation Capability

The Event Admin implementation bundle must provide the osgi.implementation capability with the name EVENT_ADMIN_IMPLEMENTATION. This capability can be used by provisioning tools and during resolution to ensure that an Event Admin implementation is present. The capability must also declare a uses constraint for the org.osgi.service.event package and provide the version of this specification:

Provide-Capability: osgi.implementation;

The RequireEventAdmin annotation can be used to require this capability.

This capability must follow the rules defined for the osgi.implementation Namespace.

113.10.2 osgi.service Capability

The bundle providing the Event Admin service must provide a capability in the osgi.service namespace representing this service. This capability must also declare a uses constraint for the org.osgi.service.event package:

Provide-Capability: osgi.service;

This capability must follow the rules defined for the osgi.service Namespace.

113.11 Security

113.11.1 Topic Permission

The TopicPermission class allows fine-grained control over which bundles may post events to a given topic and which bundles may receive those events.

The target parameter for the permission is the topic name. TopicPermission classes uses a wildcard matching algorithm similar to the BasicPermission class, except that solidi ('/' \u002F) are used as separators instead of full stop characters. For example, a name of a/b/* implies a/b/c but not x/y/z or a/b.

There are two available actions: PUBLISH and SUBSCRIBE. These control a bundle's ability to either publish or receive events, respectively. Neither one implies the other.

113.11.2 Required Permissions

Bundles that need to register an event handler must be granted ServicePermission[org.osgi.service.event.EventHandler, REGISTER]. In addition, handlers require TopicPermission[ <topic>, SUBSCRIBE ] for each topic they want to be notified about.

Bundles that need to publish an event must be granted ServicePermission[ org.osgi.service.event.EventAdmin, GET] so that they may retrieve the Event Admin service and use it. In addition, event sources require TopicPermission[ <topic>, PUBLISH] for each topic they want to send events to.

Bundles that need to iterate the handlers registered with the system must be granted ServicePermission[org.osgi.service.event.EventHandler, GET] to retrieve the event handlers from the service registry.

Only a bundle that contains an Event Admin service implementation should be granted ServicePermission[ org.osgi.service.event.EventAdmin, REGISTER] to register the event channel admin service.

113.11.3 Security Context During Event Callbacks

During an event notification, the Event Admin service's Protection Domain will be on the stack above the handler's Protection Domain. In the case of a synchronous event, the event publisher's protection domain can also be on the stack.

Therefore, if a handler needs to perform a secure operation using its own privileges, it must invoke the doPrivileged method to isolate its security context from that of its caller.

The event delivery mechanism must not wrap event notifications in a doPrivileged call.

113.12 org.osgi.service.event

Version 1.4

Event Admin Package Version 1.4.

Bundles wishing to use this package must list the package in the Import-Package header of the bundle's manifest. This package has two types of users: the consumers that use the API in this package and the providers that implement the API in this package.

Example import for consumers using the API in this package:

Import-Package: org.osgi.service.event; version="[1.4,2.0)"

Example import for providers implementing the API in this package:

Import-Package: org.osgi.service.event; version="[1.4,1.5)"

113.12.1 Summary

113.12.2 public class Event

An event. Event objects are delivered to EventHandler services which subscribe to the topic of the event.

Immutable public Event(String topic, Map<String, ?> properties)

The topic of the event.

The event's properties (may be null). A property whose key is not of type String will be ignored. If the specified properties is an EventProperties object, then it will be directly used. Otherwise, a copy of the specified properties is made.

Constructs an event.

IllegalArgumentException– If topic is not a valid topic name.

1.2 public Event(String topic, Dictionary<String, ?> properties)

The topic of the event.

The event's properties (may be null). A property whose key is not of type String will be ignored. A copy of the specified properties is made.

Constructs an event.

IllegalArgumentException– If topic is not a valid topic name. public final boolean containsProperty(String name)

The name of the property.

Indicate the presence of an event property. The event topic is present using the property name "event.topics".

true if a property with the specified name is in the event. This property may have a null value. false otherwise.

1.3 public boolean equals(Object object)

The Event object to be compared.

Compares this Event object to another object.

An event is considered to be equal to another event if the topic is equal and the properties are equal. The properties are compared using the java.util.Map.equals() rules which includes identity comparison for array values.

true if object is a Event and is equal to this object; false otherwise. public final Object getProperty(String name)

The name of the property to retrieve.

Retrieve the value of an event property. The event topic may be retrieved with the property name "event.topics".

The value of the property, or null if not found. public final String[] getPropertyNames()

Returns a list of this event's property names. The list will include the event topic property name "event.topics".

A non-empty array with one element per property. public final String getTopic()

Returns the topic of this event.

The topic of this event. public int hashCode()

Returns a hash code value for this object.

An integer which is a hash code value for this object. public final boolean matches(Filter filter)

The filter to test.

Tests this event's properties against the given filter using a case sensitive match.

true If this event's properties match the filter, false otherwise. public String toString()

Returns the string representation of this event.

The string representation of this event.

113.12.3 public interface EventAdmin

The Event Admin service. Bundles wishing to publish events must obtain the Event Admin service and call one of the event delivery methods.


Consumers of this API must not implement this type public void postEvent(Event event)

The event to send to all listeners which subscribe to the topic of the event.

Initiate asynchronous, ordered delivery of an event. This method returns to the caller before delivery of the event is completed. Events are delivered in the order that they are received by this method.

SecurityException– If the caller does not have TopicPermission[topic,PUBLISH] for the topic specified in the event. public void sendEvent(Event event)

The event to send to all listeners which subscribe to the topic of the event.

Initiate synchronous delivery of an event. This method does not return to the caller until delivery of the event is completed.

SecurityException– If the caller does not have TopicPermission[topic,PUBLISH] for the topic specified in the event.

113.12.4 public interface EventConstants

Defines standard names for EventHandler properties.

Consumers of this API must not implement this type public static final String BUNDLE = "bundle"

The Bundle object of the bundle relevant to the event. The type of the value for this event property is Bundle.

1.1 public static final String BUNDLE_ID = "bundle.id"

The Bundle id of the bundle relevant to the event. The type of the value for this event property is Long.

1.1 public static final String BUNDLE_SIGNER = "bundle.signer"

The Distinguished Names of the signers of the bundle relevant to the event. The type of the value for this event property is String or Collection of String. public static final String BUNDLE_SYMBOLICNAME = "bundle.symbolicName"

The Bundle Symbolic Name of the bundle relevant to the event. The type of the value for this event property is String. public static final String BUNDLE_VERSION = "bundle.version"

The version of the bundle relevant to the event. The type of the value for this event property is Version.

1.2 public static final String DELIVERY_ASYNC_ORDERED = "async.ordered"

Event Handler delivery quality value specifying the Event Handler requires asynchronously delivered events be delivered in order. Ordered delivery is the default for asynchronously delivered events.

This delivery quality value is mutually exclusive with DELIVERY_ASYNC_UNORDERED. However, if both this value and DELIVERY_ASYNC_UNORDERED are specified for an event handler, this value takes precedence.


1.3 public static final String DELIVERY_ASYNC_UNORDERED = "async.unordered"

Event Handler delivery quality value specifying the Event Handler does not require asynchronously delivered events be delivered in order. This may allow an Event Admin implementation to optimize asynchronous event delivery by relaxing ordering requirements.

This delivery quality value is mutually exclusive with DELIVERY_ASYNC_ORDERED. However, if both this value and DELIVERY_ASYNC_ORDERED are specified for an event handler, DELIVERY_ASYNC_ORDERED takes precedence.


1.3 public static final String EVENT = "event"

The forwarded event object. Used when rebroadcasting an event that was sent via some other event mechanism. The type of the value for this event property is Object. public static final String EVENT_ADMIN_IMPLEMENTATION = "osgi.event"

The name of the implementation capability for the Event Admin specification

1.4 public static final String EVENT_ADMIN_SPECIFICATION_VERSION = "1.4"

The version of the implementation capability for the Event Admin specification

1.4 public static final String EVENT_DELIVERY = "event.delivery"

Service Registration property specifying the delivery qualities requested by an Event Handler service.

Event handlers MAY be registered with this property. Each value of this property is a string specifying a delivery quality for the Event handler.

The value of this property must be of type String, String[], or Collection<String>.


1.3 public static final String EVENT_FILTER = "event.filter"

Service Registration property specifying a filter to further select Event s of interest to an Event Handler service.

Event handlers MAY be registered with this property. The value of this property is a string containing an LDAP-style filter specification. Any of the event's properties may be used in the filter expression. Each event handler is notified for any event which belongs to the topics in which the handler has expressed an interest. If the event handler is also registered with this service property, then the properties of the event must also match the filter for the event to be delivered to the event handler.

If the filter syntax is invalid, then the Event Handler must be ignored and a warning should be logged.

The value of this property must be of type String.

Event, Filter public static final String EVENT_TOPIC = "event.topics"

Service registration property specifying the Event topics of interest to an Event Handler service.

Event handlers SHOULD be registered with this property. Each value of this property is a string that describe the topics in which the handler is interested. An asterisk ('*') may be used as a trailing wildcard. Event Handlers which do not have a value for this property must not receive events. More precisely, the value of each string must conform to the following grammar:

  topic-description := '*' | topic ( '/*' )?
  topic := token ( '/' token )*

The value of this property must be of type String, String[], or Collection<String>.

Event public static final String EXCEPTION = "exception"

An exception or error. The type of the value for this event property is Throwable. public static final String EXCEPTION_CLASS = "exception.class"

The name of the exception type. Must be equal to the name of the class of the exception in the event property EXCEPTION. The type of the value for this event property is String.

1.1 public static final String EXCEPTION_MESSAGE = "exception.message"

The exception message. Must be equal to the result of calling getMessage() on the exception in the event property EXCEPTION. The type of the value for this event property is String. public static final String EXECPTION_CLASS = "exception.class"

This constant was released with an incorrectly spelled name. It has been replaced by EXCEPTION_CLASS

As of 1.1. Replaced by EXCEPTION_CLASS. public static final String MESSAGE = "message"

A human-readable message that is usually not localized. The type of the value for this event property is String. public static final String SERVICE = "service"

A service reference. The type of the value for this event property is ServiceReference. public static final String SERVICE_ID = "service.id"

A service's id. The type of the value for this event property is Long. public static final String SERVICE_OBJECTCLASS = "service.objectClass"

A service's objectClass. The type of the value for this event property is String[]. public static final String SERVICE_PID = "service.pid"

A service's persistent identity. The type of the value for this event property is String or Collection of String. public static final String TIMESTAMP = "timestamp"

The time when the event occurred, as reported by System.currentTimeMillis(). The type of the value for this event property is Long.

113.12.5 public interface EventHandler

Listener for Events.

EventHandler objects are registered with the Framework service registry and are notified with an Event object when an event is sent or posted.

EventHandler objects can inspect the received Event object to determine its topic and properties.

EventHandler objects must be registered with a service property EventConstants.EVENT_TOPIC whose value is the list of topics in which the event handler is interested.

For example:

 String[] topics = new String[] {"com/isv/*"};
 Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();
 ht.put(EventConstants.EVENT_TOPIC, topics);
 context.registerService(EventHandler.class.getName(), this, ht);

Event Handler services can also be registered with an EventConstants.EVENT_FILTER service property to further filter the events. If the syntax of this filter is invalid, then the Event Handler must be ignored by the Event Admin service. The Event Admin service should log a warning.

Security Considerations. Bundles wishing to monitor Event objects will require ServicePermission[EventHandler,REGISTER] to register an EventHandler service. The bundle must also have TopicPermission[topic,SUBSCRIBE] for the topic specified in the event in order to receive the event.


Thread-safe public void handleEvent(Event event)

The event that occurred.

Called by the EventAdmin service to notify the listener of an event.

113.12.6 public class EventProperties
implements Map<String, Object>

The properties for an Event. An event source can create an EventProperties object if it needs to reuse the same event properties for multiple events.

The keys are all of type String. The values are of type Object. The key "event.topics" is ignored as event topics can only be set when an Event is constructed.

Once constructed, an EventProperties object is unmodifiable. However, the values of the map used to construct an EventProperties object are still subject to modification as they are not deeply copied.


Immutable public EventProperties(Map<String, ?> properties)

The properties to use for this EventProperties object (may be null).

Create an EventProperties from the specified properties.

The specified properties will be copied into this EventProperties. Properties whose key is not of type String will be ignored. A property with the key "event.topics" will be ignored. public void clear()

This method throws UnsupportedOperationException.

UnsupportedOperationException– if called. public boolean containsKey(Object name)

The property name.

Indicates if the specified property is present.

true If the property is present, false otherwise. public boolean containsValue(Object value)

The property value.

Indicates if the specified value is present.

true If the value is present, false otherwise. public Set<Map.Entry<String, Object>> entrySet()

Return the property entries.

A set containing the property name/value pairs. public boolean equals(Object object)

The EventProperties object to be compared.

Compares this EventProperties object to another object.

The properties are compared using the java.util.Map.equals() rules which includes identity comparison for array values.

true if object is a EventProperties and is equal to this object; false otherwise. public Object get(Object name)

The name of the specified property.

Return the value of the specified property.

The value of the specified property. public int hashCode()

Returns a hash code value for this object.

An integer which is a hash code value for this object. public boolean isEmpty()

Indicate if this properties is empty.

true If this properties is empty, false otherwise. public Set<String> keySet()

Return the names of the properties.

The names of the properties. public Object put(String key, Object value)

This method throws UnsupportedOperationException.

UnsupportedOperationException– if called. public void putAll(Map<? extends String, ? extends Object> map)

This method throws UnsupportedOperationException.

UnsupportedOperationException– if called. public Object remove(Object key)

This method throws UnsupportedOperationException.

UnsupportedOperationException– if called. public int size()

Return the number of properties.

The number of properties. public String toString()

Returns the string representation of this object.

The string representation of this object. public Collection<Object> values()

Return the properties values.

The values of the properties.

113.12.7 public final class TopicPermission
extends Permission

A bundle's authority to publish or subscribe to event on a topic.

A topic is a slash-separated string that defines a topic.

For example:


TopicPermission has two actions: publish and subscribe.

Thread-safe public static final String PUBLISH = "publish"

The action string publish. public static final String SUBSCRIBE = "subscribe"

The action string subscribe. public TopicPermission(String name, String actions)

Topic name.

publish,subscribe (canonical order).

Defines the authority to publish and/or subscribe to a topic within the EventAdmin service.

The name is specified as a slash-separated string. Wildcards may be used. For example:


A bundle that needs to publish events on a topic must have the appropriate TopicPermission for that topic; similarly, a bundle that needs to subscribe to events on a topic must have the appropriate TopicPermssion for that topic. public boolean equals(Object obj)

The object to test for equality with this TopicPermission object.

Determines the equality of two TopicPermission objects. This method checks that specified TopicPermission has the same topic name and actions as this TopicPermission object.

true if obj is a TopicPermission, and has the same topic name and actions as this TopicPermission object; false otherwise. public String getActions()

Returns the canonical string representation of the TopicPermission actions.

Always returns present TopicPermission actions in the following order: publish,subscribe.

Canonical string representation of the TopicPermission actions. public int hashCode()

Returns the hash code value for this object.

A hash code value for this object. public boolean implies(Permission p)

The target permission to interrogate.

Determines if the specified permission is implied by this object.

This method checks that the topic name of the target is implied by the topic name of this object. The list of TopicPermission actions must either match or allow for the list of the target object to imply the target TopicPermission action.

    x/y/*,"publish" -> x/y/z,"publish" is true
    *,"subscribe" -> x/y,"subscribe"   is true
    *,"publish" -> x/y,"subscribe"     is false
    x/y,"publish" -> x/y/z,"publish"   is false

true if the specified TopicPermission action is implied by this object; false otherwise. public PermissionCollection newPermissionCollection()

Returns a new PermissionCollection object suitable for storing TopicPermission objects.

A new PermissionCollection object.

113.13 org.osgi.service.event.annotations

Version 1.4

Event Admin Annotations Package Version 1.4.

This package contains annotations that can be used to require the Event Admin implementation.

Bundles should not normally need to import this package as the annotations are only used at build-time.

113.13.1 Summary

113.13.2 @RequireEventAdmin

This annotation can be used to require the Event Admin implementation. It can be used directly, or as a meta-annotation.

This annotation is applied to several of the Event Admin component property type annotations meaning that it does not normally need to be applied to Declarative Services components which use the Event Admin.




113.14 org.osgi.service.event.propertytypes

Version 1.4

Event Admin Component Property Types Package Version 1.4.

When used as annotations, component property types are processed by tools to generate Component Descriptions which are used at runtime.

Bundles wishing to use this package at runtime must list the package in the Import-Package header of the bundle's manifest.

Example import for consumers using the API in this package:

Import-Package: org.osgi.service.event.propertytypes; version="[1.4,2.0)"

113.14.1 Summary

113.14.2 @EventDelivery

Component Property Type for the EventConstants.EVENT_DELIVERY service property of an EventHandler service.

This annotation can be used on an EventHandler component to declare the value of the EventConstants.EVENT_DELIVERY service property.

Component Property Types



TYPE String[] value

Service property specifying the Event delivery qualities requested by an EventHandler service.

The supported delivery qualities are:

The requested event delivery qualities.


113.14.3 @EventFilter

Component Property Type for the EventConstants.EVENT_FILTER service property of an EventHandler service.

This annotation can be used on an EventHandler component to declare the value of the EventConstants.EVENT_FILTER service property.

Component Property Types



TYPE String value

Service property specifying the Event filter to an EventHandler service.

The event filter.


113.14.4 @EventTopics

Component Property Type for the EventConstants.EVENT_TOPIC service property of an EventHandler service.

This annotation can be used on an EventHandler component to declare the values of the EventConstants.EVENT_TOPIC service property.

Component Property Types



TYPE String[] value

Service property specifying the Event topics of interest to an EventHandler service.

The event topics.
